Monday, November 10, 2008

An Early Thanksgiving

"So once in every year we throng
Upon a day apart,
To praise the Lord with feast and song
In thankfulness of heart."
~Arthur Guiterman, The First Thanksgiving

Saturday- Thanksgiving Day came early this year. Daniel and I celebrated with the family this past weekend.
( Bert and Carol-Daniel's parents- will be in Ethiopia over real Thanksgiving)

What a great time for friends and family and kiddos to gather together and reflect upon the past year's blessings. There's no better way to connect with those closest to you than over amazingly delicious food. What a fantastic tradition, a day of old and kept freedoms, and exchanged words of love and thankfulness around the table time and time again.... it never gets old... it's my favorite holiday!

Daniel's parents have a tradtion at the table. Once everyone has their food piled high on their plates, someone starts... they say what they are thankful for, this goes around the whole table, it's really cool to hear everyone's thoughts and praises to God for His many blessings in their lives.

I wish I could fly to Massachusetts to celebrate Thanksgiving with my side of the family. I miss them so much. This is the off year, Christmas is here in San Diego as well. :(
Well, my heart's there- thats for sure. MISS YOU MOM!

It was a joyous time- eating, laughing, music, embarrassing family movies, and who could forget the intense hand ball competition- kids VS Uncle Daniel.... the kiddos whooped Uncle Daniel's butt! hahaha, that was fun to watch!!

Sunday- We went to our old church Grace Church. It was so so so good to see friends- to catch up. We love that church so much and miss everyone there!

Out to lunch after with friends Jason and Allegra- love you guys!

Daniel and I are going back down to San Diego the week of Thanksgiving to stay at his parents house, Allegra and I are planning on cooking up a turkey! woohoo! This should be very interesting because I'm a virgin thanksgiving cook! AHHHHHHHHH, it's pretty much my nightmare... 10 dishes all coming out hott plus a 20lb bird!

Ok ok, someday it will be like that- this year, it's just 4 of us! And well, we took a vote, if everyone has their mashed potatos everyone will be happy! PHEW! :)
--It'll be a ton of fun, I can't wait to EAT AGAIN!

That's all folks... until next time!

THINK_ 'What are you thankful for this year?'

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