Slept in late. It's Saturday. Spent the day cleaning, cleaning, and oh yea CLEANING! Now usually I enjoy cleaning just because the end result is extremely self- satisfying. The feeling summed up in the outward expression of, "Ahhhhhhh" is totally worth it in my eyes. Yes, call me crazy, but there is nothing better than looking at a perfectly made bed and a vacuumed floor to put me at ease. Although, today no matter how nice the APT looked I was not satisfied, I was frustrated all day. weird. As I was hustling and bustling about with my cleaning bucket... the Hub was flying through Hebrew flashcards muttering under his breath words that sound like he had a furball in his throat. So, same ol' same ol' you could say for our new Los Angeles routine. However, tonight was quite the 'out of the ordinary" night on the town...
Daniel and I drove out to Pasadena to walk around Colorado Street. There were people everywhere, it was like a mini NYC. We found a stylish little Italian joint to split a pizza. The table set up in this restaurant was quite cozy. You could hear every single word exchanged at the table right next to you. We had a very interesting couple sitting beside us. The women was rambling on and on about how there's no way of knowing the difference between 'right' and 'wrong' and how she is seeking to find her own place to experience true peace and joy. She was tip toeing about on her surface level arguments, beating around every bush that displayed a real foundation. Pretty much logic was completely absent from her thinking process. It was nonsense. Absolute nonsense. Now, as much as Daniel and I wanted to jump right in this conversation, we didn't want to be rude so at the end of the delicious pizza I left a card with the website, on it. If she wants to find true peace and true joy hopefully she will check out THE BIBLE!
Anyway, we went on our way down the street, searching out the next nearest Starbucks, and of course it wasn't far or hard to find! :)
So, equipped with coffee and hot chocolate in hand ... off to the ladies room it was for me.
While I was waiting in the line to use the restroom ( And may I add, THERE"S ALWAYS A LINE FOR THE WOMEN'S BATHROOM! ALWAYS! ugh) Daniel was waiting ever so patiently and well, randomly started up a conversation with this guy named Ray.
Ray announced that he wished he had a million dollars and a huge house. Daniel came back with the response of "Have you ever wished for salvation?"
And there was an instant connection. God was at work.
Ray has been on the streets for 15 years. What a story he had up his sleeve! Daniel shared the gospel with him, and well, ( at this point I have showed up on the scene :) ) we were both surprised that he was actually pretty familiar with some Scripture! He understood that Jesus died for his sins. Praise the Lord! We ended up talking to him for about 45 minutes, bought him some soda pop, and invited him to church!! Now, challenge number one: HOW DO YOU FIND A HOMELESS MAN NAMED RAY IN LA? Challenge overcome! Get this, Ray had a CELLPHONE! What are the odds. It's one of those pre paid phones that he saves up cash for buying minutes. We exchanged numbers and he's planning on calling us, but we have his number so we plan on getting in touch. I'm so excited that God chose to use us in this way to glorify Him! Please pray for Ray's salvation. I'm excited to see God at work in this man's life. Pray Pray Pray! Especially pray that we are able to touch base with him again. I'm excited!
In conclusion, all day I was completely unsatisfied with my work, but in contrast tonight was all satisfying, satisfied that we have an all powerful God who is in complete control working through his children to call his lost sheep in this dark world. God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him. God showed me that I will never find complete joy and satisfaction in this world even in the small things like a clean apartment, but instead I will find complete utter satisfaction, complete joy, and infinite peace in Christ alone.
"For consider your calling brothers; not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. And because of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, " Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord." I Corinthians 1:26- 31