Thursday, October 30, 2008


If they can see you love them, you can say anything to them. Richard Baxter

love- warm attachment, enthusiasm, fondness, passion, or devotion. unselfish, loyal, and benevolent concern for the good of another.

we need more....
we need to act.....
we need to crave it...
we need to pass it on....
we need to accept it........
we need to live everyday striving....
spread it
spill it
breath it
speak it
write it
send it
devote yourselves to it.......

keep it simple......... just love........................

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Viva Las Vegas

Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can.
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can. -John Wesley. 

I love that quote. It's so simple, but it covers all.

Lounging on the couch currently- Looking forward to Friday! 
Daniel and I are going to shake up Las Vegas for the weekend! We are staying at the Mirage, penthouse and all-- no, just kidding... I wish! :) 
Halloween in Vegas could be quite interesting...
But we're not there for Halloween, we're there to celebrate our 2nd Anniversary! We are now official "Ol' Married Folks." 

We booked tickets to see Cirque du Soleil! I can't wait! I'm looking forward to seeing Paris, Italy, Egypt, and New York all in one weekend! :)

A weekend full of good eats, good drinks, good laughs, good memories! I mean you gotta go to Vegas at least once in your lifetime!  I look forward to checking off that box on my list of "Must Dos Before I Kick It" 

I can't wait!!! I'm counting the hours!!! 

Here's a short version of the list of MUST DOS Daniel and I made

Europe tour
The Swiss Alps
Global Missions
Road trip up the west coast San Diego CA- WA.
Road trip/Camp across country
rent a ferrari
witness a miracle
eat our way through Italy
build an igloo
hug redwood trees
whitewater rafting
pumpkin /apple picking
swim with sea turtles
buy a vespa (an orange one)

so, thats just some of the things on our list. This weekend gets a check!
I'll be sure to log our adventure in the most Electric City when we get back home. 

Thats all for now! Cheers!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Missing Autumn

Another day in, another day out. 


I(Vanessa) am meeting up with the ladies tonight as usual. I still have to do my reading! However, I thought I would sneak in a little blog entry first!

Daniel's Dad just left our place from visiting for a 1/2 a night and a 1/2 a day. He went with Daniel to check out the Old Testament class at the Seminary. Quite the interesting class, but also quite the LONG class. 7:30- 11:30. That's a long one especially when you have to wake up at 5:30!
Been there, done that. 

Last Saturday- I threw the Pumpkin Patch Party! It was  BYOP (ahem, bring your own pumpkin) good times. I served up a hot pot of Chili for all- with all the makings. Friends brought cornbread and pumpkin bread!! Spiced Apple Cider filled the room with cinnamon, clove, orange, and apple. Drop cloths were dropped on our living room floor... we all gathered around, scooped out the orange goop insides and seeds! Then slowly our pumpkins began to emerge into full blown created personalities. Heart shaped eyes with big puckered lips, a dinosaur, an angel, a goofy face, Kung-Fu panda, a maple leaf, and an owl! 
It was good to get back into those childhood traditions. October came alive to me again... especially now living in a place where Autumn never comes. I took on the task of creating it in our little one bedroom apartment. I was satisfied. Now if only there was a crispness in the air, goosebumps running up the spine from a chilly gust of air, smoke found in the distance from a neighbor burning the fallen leaves, chimneys puff puff puffing away, golden-bronze, and ruby leaves dancing on the wind when looking out the window that has been fogged up by a warm breath.  I miss Autumn. 

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Man Named Ray

Slept in late. It's Saturday. Spent the day cleaning, cleaning, and oh yea CLEANING! Now usually I enjoy cleaning just because the end result is extremely self- satisfying. The feeling summed up in the outward expression of, "Ahhhhhhh" is totally worth it in my eyes. Yes, call me crazy, but there is nothing better than looking at a perfectly made bed and a vacuumed floor to put me at ease. Although, today no matter how nice the APT looked I was not satisfied, I was frustrated all day. weird. As I was hustling and bustling about with my cleaning bucket... the Hub was flying through Hebrew flashcards muttering under his breath words that sound like he had a furball in his throat. So, same ol' same ol' you could say for our new Los Angeles routine. However, tonight was quite the 'out of the ordinary" night on the town...

Daniel and I drove out to Pasadena to walk around Colorado Street. There were people everywhere, it was like a mini NYC. We found a stylish little Italian joint to split a pizza. The table set up in this restaurant was quite cozy. You could hear every single word exchanged at the table right next to you. We had a very interesting couple sitting beside us. The women was rambling on and on about how there's no way of knowing the difference between 'right' and 'wrong' and how she is seeking to find her own place to experience true peace and joy. She was tip toeing about on her surface level arguments, beating around every bush that displayed a real foundation. Pretty much logic was completely absent from her thinking process. It was nonsense. Absolute nonsense. Now, as much as Daniel and I wanted to jump right in this conversation, we didn't want to be rude so at the end of the delicious pizza I left a card with the website, on it. If she wants to find true peace and true joy hopefully she will check out THE BIBLE! 
Anyway, we went on our way down the street, searching out the next nearest Starbucks, and of course it wasn't far or hard to find! :)
So, equipped with coffee and hot chocolate in hand ... off to the ladies room it was for me.
While I was waiting in the line to use the restroom ( And may I add, THERE"S ALWAYS A LINE FOR THE WOMEN'S BATHROOM! ALWAYS! ugh) Daniel was waiting ever so patiently and well, randomly started up a conversation with this guy named Ray. 
Ray announced that he wished he had a million dollars and a huge house. Daniel came back with the response of "Have you ever wished for salvation?" 
And there was an instant connection. God was at work. 
Ray has been on the streets for 15 years. What a story he had up his sleeve! Daniel shared the gospel with him, and well, ( at this point I have showed up on the scene :) ) we were both surprised that he was actually pretty familiar with some Scripture! He understood that Jesus died for his sins. Praise the Lord! We ended up talking to him for about 45 minutes, bought him some soda pop, and invited him to church!! Now, challenge number one: HOW DO YOU FIND A HOMELESS MAN NAMED RAY IN LA? Challenge overcome! Get this, Ray had a CELLPHONE! What are the odds. It's one of those pre paid phones that he saves up cash for buying minutes. We exchanged numbers and he's planning on calling us, but we have his number so we plan on getting in touch. I'm so excited that God chose to use us in this way to glorify Him! Please pray for Ray's salvation. I'm excited to see God at work in this man's life. Pray Pray Pray! Especially pray that we are able to touch base with him again. I'm excited! 

In conclusion, all day I was completely unsatisfied with my work, but in contrast tonight was all satisfying, satisfied that we have an all powerful God who is in complete control working through his children to call his lost sheep in this dark world. God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him. God showed me that I will never find complete joy and satisfaction in this world even in the small things like a clean apartment, but instead I will find complete utter satisfaction, complete joy, and infinite peace in Christ alone.  

"For consider your calling brothers; not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. And because of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, " Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord." I Corinthians 1:26- 31

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The City of Angels

My foot is asleep. pins and needles. 

So, here we are up in L.A. We have been here for about 2 months now and well, routine has kicked in. Daniel goes to school Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. He works full days on Monday and Friday, and some how manages to squeeze in all of his homework. I am now involved with the Seminary Wives Fellowship on Wednesday night, which has been such a treat. It's been fun meeting the Professors wives and meeting great godly girls from all over the world! Also, there has been an amazing transparency in all the women, which was incredibly refreshing to see. I can't wait for tomorrow night because I'm in charge of decorating the refreshment table. I love making things pretty:)

Speaking of getting involved- not even 2 weeks had Daniel and I been up here that he got an email invitation asking if I wanted to join in the New Gospel Choir!!! Of course I jumped right in. We had 4 rehearsals total and then we were put in the spotlight at the Fall Women's Event which Joni Eareckson Tada spoke at!!! What an amazing event that was and what an exciting experience to be on stage with 70 other believers praising God through such fun Gospel music. I found such joy in singing to Him in that moment!!! 

When we find time to hang out with each other we have lately been in Explore Mode. Since there are a billion freeways that criss-cross through LA we just pick one and see where it takes us. A few weeks ago we took the 118 West and we got all the way to Ventura! We found ourselves in Malibu another time. We checked out Burbank, the village district is cute and fun. Explored Hollywood BLVD and Sunset BLVD and found a coffee shop that is to die for. Amazing food and the best lattes ever!!!!!! Oh and Santa Monica is tons of fun!!! 

L.A. is a hard city is many aspects. Just from observing it seems tough, closed off, difficult. L.A. has the highest amount of homeless people out of all main cities in the U.S. The last post was about 73,000 people. It's the vainest of cities I have seen. Inappropriate billboards plaster the cities buildings and freeways. Idols of alcohol, sex, and drugs are contantly in your path when walking down the street. It's sick. One night Daniel and I walked down Hollywood BLVD to look at the Chinese theater and the hand prints in the cement. We hung out for about an hour or so, when we got back to the car and were starting to drive home we both said how we felt dirty, like we had just walked through a thick dust cloud of sin. Hollywood is drowning in sin- so much so that mentally we felt sick/dirty because of the amount of sin that is thriving there.  I'm not sure if I'm getting my point across, but the bottomline is there needs to be a light placed in that darkness. Daniel and I want to get a group of people together to street witness down there. Hollywood is a black hole for the spiritually lost. I want to be part of God's work.. I want to be available for Him to use my hand to pull these people out of Satan's eternal black sinful hole. And to then show them Christ and let His light shine in their hearts! 
God is good. God is sovereign.

To Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood,, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve His God and Father- to Him be glory and power for ever and ever. Revelation 1:5-6

Hi. It's late. So, We'll be back soon to write a first 'official blog' entry. G'night!