Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Daniel and I are both sick. And we're sick and tired or getting each other sick. What an absolutley ridiculously terrible cycle this is. Ugh. Achoooo cough cough sniffle cough sniffle hoooonnnkkkk (blowing of the nose) achoooooooooo. Enough!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

What Lies On The Next Page?

Greetings my friends. ( haha, I don't know where that came from, sounds kinda like Yoda... well, a little bit. Humor me.)

So, where to start!? It has been too long...

Just a quick update to get the ball rolling again.

Daniel and I are now back in LA from various adventures over Winter Break. Daniel's second semester started on Tuesday and he's hittin' the books hard. He's taking 4 1/2 classes. Old Testament Studies, Beginning Hebrew II, Pastoral Counceling, Discipleship Lab, and a Prayer Class. Lots on his plate. Let the sleep deprivation begin!!!

I am currently looking for a job, anywhere at this point!!

Daniel's not the only one who is reading like a maniac. I'm a bookworm myself, by choice. Just finished a quick book called, A Grief Observed by none other than the brilliant C.S. Lewis himself. It is a collection of his personal journals he wrote through grieving his deceased wife. It's about the process of sorrow, his inner most thoughts and struggles- his personal found truth of faith and pure emotions. I enjoyed it, even though the tone of the book is grey, I found it to be refreshingly honest and full of pure motives of the heart.

Next on my list is a book called, When People are Big and God is Small by Edward T. Welch. It has come highly recommended from sources I highly respect. I find that I am bracing myself for the first dose since I know it will rip my human pride to shreds. It's medicine I am in great need for.

Next on the list after 'the medicine' I plan on reading Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. It's a Christian based novel. I have only heard great things about this book. Can't wait to dive in.

The list goes on and on and on and on. I'll update the reading list when I see fit.

Still can't believe it's 2009. Wow.
Here we gooooooooooooooooooooo!
What's in store, what stories are we to tell, what obstacles to overcome, what tears to soak up, what will Spring bring, what new people will we meet? so many unanswered questions. We're ready for an adventure... it could be right around the corner!

much love to all who follow or check this blog! Thanks for stopping by!!